Yes, it’s true… I have a slight Barn Obsession. It’s nothing that I need an intervention for… yet! Delightedly, this obsession of mine has actually brought a few good things into my life recently!
Now my little barn does not compare to some of the gorgeous majestic barns you find in the mid-West. But, I love it none the less, and thought I would share it today. It’s special because it’s a magical barn!
Here is is in the summer…
And in winter…
See that?? It changes color in the snow!
Barn Obsession
For years I’ve had grand dreams and wild ideas of acting on my barn obsession and converting it into a studio/workshop, where I can really sprawl out and get my creative on!
I mean it has 4 stalls!! Do you realize how much space that is??! I could use one stall to store my inventory of unpainted furniture. One stall could be a rustic showroom to display all my finished projects, reLoved Signs and painted furniture. I could even combine the other two stalls into one giant workshop! With hardwood floors and a massive workbench. I could line one wall with Pinterest Projects of organized tools, supplies and equipment! Then I’d center a large farm-style table in the middle of a fluffy area rug by a stone fireplace… Add a few comfy chairs and invite all my friends over for all-nighter’s of drinking and crafting!
**sigh** But I just didn’t have the heart to evict it’s residents, whom I’m sure also have a barn obsession. I mean, the pig, and goats and chickens can’t really move in the house… or can they? hmmm…. I’ll have to think on that one!
Anyway, in the meantime, I have to find other ways to express my love for barns!
Well, I had 2 stamps custom made. These stamps are for branding of all my reLoved Signs. Unfortunately, this branding has become a necessity, as a few unethical sign rustlers have raided my original designs, attempting to sell counterfeit reLoved Signs.
I know?! …I’m just as shocked as you are!
So from now on, the back of all my reLoved Signs will come stamped, signed and dated- so you will know you are purchasing one of my original works! You can read about my reLoved Signs here, or purchase one here.
And FINALLY!!!! – The last bit of barn news that’s so dang exciting, I couldn’t wait to share!! Every year, my local fair has a theme contest, that I have been entering for like half my life… but I never win anything!!
Until now!! I guess my little barn obsession finally paid off!!
To qualify, themes had to be five words or less and centered on Fair food. I am so excited to announce they chose my submission!!
The 2015 Antelope Valley Fair and Alfalfa Festival theme will be:
“Barn Appetit!”
Yep! That’s right… “Barn Appetit!”
So how about you? What’s your recent obsession and has it lead you to delight??
Welcome back Sherri. Congratulations on winning the A.V. Fair contest. I’ll wave to you at the Fai Parade.
Thank you! See you there!