Today I am writing a different type of post. One about facing the storms of life.
As you may or may not have noticed, I have been lagging in my blog posts lately. I have just been struggling with the storms of life. And I know we all face trying times. Recently, I was sitting in my bed, reflecting on personal situations going on in my life. Yes, I was feeling down about various struggles- my parenting skills, financial uncertainty, the loss of a close friendship, coordinating hectic schedules, the air conditioning going out in my truck, the list just really goes on…
So, I’m scrolling through my FaceBook feed – cause you know nothing cheers you up like skimming through photos of shiny happy people and their zippity-doo-dah lives…
When I came across a story that literally knocked me
It’s Jessica’s story. It’s Jessica’s story about April, the Cheerleader, and the unimaginable loss of her two precious little boys in the Vilonia, Arkansas tornado on Sunday, April 27th, 2014.
Please go and read this incredible blog post written by Jessica Soward. My words could never do justice:
The Cheerleader by The Hodgepodge Darling
But there in that moment, my heart broke for April and her husband Daniel. I cried all morning.
I do not know them. I do not know the author, Jessica of The Hodgepodge Darling. I have never read her blog before.
All I know is I was overwhelmed for them… and heartbroken.
I also felt so ashamed! How dare I, sit around and whining about such trivial things as the AC in my truck??
And HECTIC SCHEDULES??!! Seriously??! I am blessed beyond measure to have the honor and privilege to take my kids to softball practice, pick them up from daycare, juggle doctor appointments, kiss them goodbye in the morning and tuck them in at night….
I am so sorry Lord, for grumbling about my storms of life, that are so minuscule!
I will cherish and be grateful for every minute, every second spent with my children, my grand babies, my family, my loved ones, my friends.
I will rejoice in everyday!
I am sobbing again, just thinking about their loss, and the funeral that was held for these precious babies, Tyler and Cameron, just 4 days ago…
There is a link at the end of the story, if you would like to donate to The Smith Family.
I did. But it felt so inadequate.
I feel compelled to do more for this family…
Wow, here I was feeling sorry for myself for being overwhelmed with this, that and the other, and then I saw your post. It’s heart breaking and I wish we didn’t need such reminders to appreciate what we have.
Thank you for your comments Sophie… I agree, I wish we didn’t need these reminders either!
Hi Sherri!
My name is Jessica. Aka The Hodgepodge Darling. I actually did a search this evening to blog responses to The Cheerleader looking for something I’d read a couple of months ago. I found your blog.
Thank you for sharing our story. And for having an open heart to our great and loving God. I, too, have felt like you in the midst of the storm. I’d you’d ever like to keep in touch or see how April is doing, you are welcome to add either or both of us on Facebook. Just search our names.
Thanks again and God bless.
Hi Jessica! Thank you so much for taking the time to reply to my post! But more importantly, thank you for sharing April’s story with us. I will definitely keep in touch, and check in on April. Blessings!!
Thank you for sharing and being honest! I just took a minute that i I really didn’t feel like I had to read this and I am thankful I did! I love it when God so belatenly shows up and gives me the kick I needed to humble me and remind me of all the crazy amazing ways he had blessed my life…the life that I too often take for granted! I will most definitely be sharing this post and I too went and donated to the Smith Family! Your not alone in feeling inadequate in doing so, I feel like there is more that I should and need to do for them….my prayers will be with them.
Aw, thank you, Kelly!! I am so glad you felt moved!!